NCICP Speaker
Amy Pisani is a distinguished expert in the field of vaccine advocacy and education, with a remarkable tenure dating back to 1996 when she joined Every Child By Two (now known as Vaccinate Your Family). As the Chief Executive Officer, she has played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of immunization accessibility in the United States. Amy’s tireless dedication has made her a driving force for immunization advocacy, working tirelessly to advance the health and well-being of communities across the nation. Throughout her career, Amy has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to realizing VYF’s mission, which is to safeguard individuals of all ages from vaccine-preventable diseases and bridge immunization disparities.
In alignment with VYF’s founding principles, Amy has spearheaded collaborative initiatives that unite elected officials, community leaders, and representatives from national and local organizations in the fight against vaccine-preventable diseases. She guides the team in legislative education, fosters partnerships with like-minded advocates, collaborates with the media to ensure evidence-based reporting on vaccines, and employs diverse communication channels to educate the public.
Amy has been at the helm through VYF’s remarkable growth in the social media, effectively reaching over four million individuals annually. Through platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, VYF disseminates science-based information that underscores the importance of timely vaccinations and the safety of vaccines. In addition to this digital outreach, VYF’s website, available in both English and Spanish, attracts over one million visitors each year and has earned the prestigious Vaccine Safety Net seal of approval from the World Health Organization.
Amy’s dedication extended to the urgent need for equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines. She played a pivotal role in various vital initiatives, including the Made to Save Collaborative, the HHS COVID Community Corps, and the White House Equity Panel. VYF continues to bring together partners who united in the fight against COVID-19 through the VYF-hosted Vaccination Collaborative. This platform facilitates the exchange of invaluable insights, research, and communication strategies, shaping evidence-based programs and policy efforts to ensure universal access to all vaccines.
Amy remains at the forefront of public health advocacy by actively engaging in conferences, hosting and presenting at congressional briefings, and vigilantly monitoring and responding to regulatory and policy changes that impact immunization delivery. The campaigns developed under her guidance have educated hundreds of millions of individuals worldwide, leaving an indelible mark on the field.
In addition to her work with VYF, Amy demonstrates her commitment to public health in various capacities. She proudly serves as the President of her local Rotary Club and has been recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow for her contributions. From 2011 to 2015, she served as a public member of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Vaccine Advisory Committee. Presently, she is a founding member of the 317 Coalition, ensuring stable congressional immunization funding, and sits on the steering committee of the Adult Vaccine Access Coalition, the HPV Roundtable, and several other coalitions that share VYF’s mission.
Amy’s rich career history extends beyond pediatrics. She gained extensive healthcare advocacy experience during her roles as the Education Program Coordinator at the Optical Society of America, Senior Staff Specialist for the American Nurses Association, and Program Director for the American Nurses Foundation. Her early career was dedicated to advancing the deaf community. Amy holds a Master’s of Science degree from Gallaudet University for the Deaf in Washington, D.C., and a Baccalaureate Degree in Psychology from the Catholic University of America, also in Washington, D.C.